Fashion clothing: find your style!

Welcome to the platform that will dress you from head to toe with expert advice….

Jewelry gift ideas for women and men

Offering a jewel is always a good idea, whther it’s for men or women. Each…

Choose your engagement ring : Choose Your Diamond

The choice of an engagement ring, symbol of love commitment is not a straightforward matter….

Beaded jewellery : the timeless fashion detail !

Beaded jewellery is a classic among the accessories worn. The emphasis will be on a…

Jes­sicalau­ren | Jessica Lauren Handmade Bridal Headpieces & Jewellery, UK

Bridal headpieces & jewellery handmade in the UK. Chose a comb, vine, headband or tiara…

Firedcrea­tions | Fired Creations fused dichroic glass jewellery and fused glass art

Fused dichroic glass jewellery including necklaces, earrings and stud earrings and fused glass art, coasters,…

Welcome to your reference jewelry directory. They are all at your fingertips: necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, wedding rings, chains, pendants, piercings...
Are you looking for a specific piece of jewelry? You want to offer a jewel for a special occasion? You want to offer the perfect jewel for Valentine's Day? You are looking for information about gold, silver, platinum or precious stones? You are on the right jewelry directory because the information we put at your disposal is handpicked, documented and relevant to guarantee you the best advice on jewelry.